Monday, April 22, 2013

Responses to Lit Circles: Essays

As I wasn't here this Friday, and have tried to look for as much info as these books as I can, I'm only attempting prewrites and not the essays themselves.

Slaughterhouse Five

Explain how war affects modern life and society as it did in Slaughterhouse Five.

Slaughterhouse Five - how war affected main character Billy Pilgrim
Modern Society - rallies people -> people help by rationing, donating, etc.
                          - disgusts people -> protest, try to disuade govt from being involved, complain
                          - strikes fear in people -> panic

Kafka on the Shore

Throughout the novel the “primary character” Kafka struggles internally, these internal struggles by novel’s end characterizing the character. Write an essay wherein you identify Murakami’s use of shifting (or static) style/rhetoric/prose to characterize Kafka (or any supportable character within the novel). Try to support with examples of indirect/direct characterization.

Life of Pi (I)

Is there a relationship between religion and story telling? Is religion a form of story telling? Is there a theological dimension to story telling?

Religion and storytelling are indeed related, in a way. And I don't mean it in an offensive way, as in religion is just a story, or stories have to have a deep meaning involving religious. But both can utilize each other to help their cause, just not in every religion or ever story. For example, in the Bible, there were a few parables Jesus told to his disciples to teach a lesson. Every AP student should know, of course, that a parable is basically a story teaching a lesson or a moral. Parable is the best example of the relationship between religion and storytelling.

Life of Pi (II)

Write an essay about a novel (Life of Pi) that reveals a sense of self identity through a momentous plot of hardships and obstacles.  Identify the self awareness, and explain its significance to the work as a whole.

Life of Pi - protaganist: Piscine, self-awareness moment- "?", how it could be significant to the whole - major turning point in the story

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